Monthly Archives: October 2018

South America IV.II – Cuba. Malecón

Как многие знают, Малекон – это просто бесконечная набережная Гаваны, место прогулок и встреч самого разного рода (скажем так). Встреч, конечно, и дневных, и ночных, но преимущественно вечерних, сумеречных, когда уже не жарко и нет грубых контрастов слепящего дня, но … Continue reading

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South America IV.I – Cuba. Habana

If I already knew how strikingly beautiful Costa-Rica was and went there anticipating being enchanted, which I duly and fully was, Cuba turned out to be a totally unforeseen experience. I expected it to be seedy, poor, with bad service … Continue reading

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South America III – Costa Rica

This post may appear a little too long, but I haven’t been able to split the pictures into any groups. The beauty of the Costa Rican nature is exactly that it’s very whole, very complementary to itself: the sea, the … Continue reading

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